Monday, March 9, 2009

Back to the Monday morning daybook!

FOR TODAY March 9th, 2009

Outside my window...Outside, it looks much like my mood. Kind of gray and gloomy, but I can hear the birds singing a praise song just outside my view.

I am thinking...that amidst the things that are trying to pull me in five different directions, there is a God who is a steady anchor for me that has breakthrough just on the other side.

I am thankful for...the health of my family.

From the kitchen...just a mess of dishes

I am wearing...a short sleeve red shirt with gray sweatpants and no shoes

I am creating...the mini women's retreat for church

I am take my dad to the orthopedic for his crushed toe

I am reading...captivating by John & Stasi Eldredge. An amazing book with much insight into the feminine heart.

I am hoping...that my mil can watch my child with a belly ache this morning while I take dad to the dr.

I am hearing...the hum of the computer

Around the house...chaos that needs to be taken care of

One of my favorite things...the smell of clean sheets

A few plans for the rest of the week: Taking care of my dad, finishing the Beth Moore study with the women on Wednesday, going to see the PA ballet dress rehearsal on Friday with Jessie's dance class.

No picture today...can't find a good one!

Want to join in with us?


berrypatch said...

Nice to see you posting, Steph! I haven't managed to do the daybook for a few weeks myself. I'm hoping to have some time today. We'll see.

C Killingsworth said...


I've missed you!! :) I hope all is well in your world. Let's catch up someday!?
