Monday, November 24, 2008

FOR TODAY November 24th...

Outside my window... Kind of a gray gloomy day. We had a hard frost this morning, so everything is kind of sparkly from the ice crystals.

I am thinking...How faithful our God is. His word says that we cannot add one hour to our life by worrying, and we do it anyway. I just got word that He pulled through for a family I know and have been praying for, and it is so encouraging! They trusted him and tried not to fret and were an example for us all.

I am thankful for...Quiet mornings that I can gather my thoughts and lists for the day.

From the kitchen... Oh the kitchen will be busy this week, as I am hosting Thanksgiving for our family. I'm expecting 11 this year. I will be baking pumpkin and apple pies, a 22 pound turkey, candied yams, mashed potatoes, home creamed sweet corn and some other things. For dinner tonight, it will be crustless chicken pot pie.

I am wearing...comfy purple house slippers, running pants, and a green 3/4 length sleeve top. Ready to Fall clean today!

I am creating...My Christmas house. I'm starting to think of the decorations and when to get the tree. I might even pull out my manger scene to work on painting it a bit.

I am going...Nowhere! This week will be spent at home as much as possible.

I am reading...Grace based parenting

I am hoping...That can space out my tasks enough that I can get everything done that I want to before Thursday.

I am hearing...Silence that is golden.

Around the house...Just organizing things and clearing the way for Christmas things to arrive at their proper spots.

One of my favorite things...Curling up on the couch with a blanket, hubby and the dog at night. Add a cup of tea too!

A few plans for the rest of the week: Eat? LOL I want to deep clean most of the rooms in the house before decorating. Maybe get our tree this weekend. I'm fretting over the tree, as we now have a 9 month old, knee high, bundle of energy dog. Did I mention she likes to chew on twigs and bark? I have garland at the top of the stairs (wrapped around the banister) for autumn that resembles twigs, with some sparkly beads throughout. She has chewed off many of the pieces while we weren't looking. It looks terrible now! So much for my fall deco....*sigh*

Here is picture thought I am sharing...Jessie at the fall display at Longwood gardens. Christmas pictures coming soon :)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Secret Keeper girl

Are you a mom? Do you have a daughter? You must see this! Are you tired of your little girl being pressured to grow up too soon? ME TOO! My little girl is 8. She is in the 100th percentile for height. Do you know what this means for her? She is in a small junior size. JUNIOR! Do you know what that means? You got it.....midriff baring, cleaving showing, and skirts that barely cover the derriere. NO! FOOT DOWN, NO!

If you feel the same way, please, please, please (Yes, I'm not ashamed of begging you) go to this site and sign Dannah Gresh's petition to get the fashion industry to listen up. We will not allow our little girls to compromise their integrity for the sake of fashion! NO WAY!

Can you tell I am passionate about this subject? We went on retreat this weekend to the assemblies of God women of purpose in Hershey PA. They had many speakers and worship leaders and soloists there. Dannah Gresh was by far the one who captured my attention. She teaches our little girls modesty in a fantastic fun way. She also speaks to our youth about purity. About waiting. About saving the gift they have recieved from God for their marriage bed. How amazing is that? If she is coming to your town any time soon, you MUST go see her. She also speaks to women about overcoming the lies of the enemy, saying that you lost your purity, and now are unable to serve the body of Christ.

If you know me, and my heart, it is to see women set free. Free to love, free to worship, free to dance, free to live, free to serve God and free to serve each other. We cannot do this when we are in bondage, and captivated by the enemy and all he has to "offer". No! Jesus has come to set us free, and offer much more than the enemy of our souls ever can.

Let us put feet to our faith and fight the good fight. For our babies. For our daughters and sons. For the next generation and the one after that!


Friday, October 31, 2008

HFH Fat ticker Friday

Hello all! Did you miss me? I had a fabuloso time in the Poconos! My weight didn't, but I did! We even walked 2 days, and I tried to watch what I ate (thanks Christa for being the food nazi LOL). Alas, I gained a pound. *sigh* It's ok. At least I am still almost 2 pounds down from my original! Gotta look at that glass half full right?

I have been putting the couch 2 5k program off ( because of procrastination and fear. I AM starting Monday. No excuses, no exceptions! I'm gonna try to talk Monica into doing it with me (Ooooooooooooh Moooooonica....that's your fair warning!). C25K is basically a plan to get you , well, off the couch and running about 3 miles by the end of 2 months. You must understand, I need about 6 sports bras on at one time to run. LOL It gives you a schedule to ease into it, and combines running and walking together for about 20 min 3x's a week. I'll report back next week.

Still trying to up my water intake, and the efforts double today on that.

The question this week was to post a photo shoot of something/someone dressed up. We don't celebrate Halloween, so I will forgo that this week. Sorry if you are disappointed, but I choose to give glory to God!

Have a blessed week!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Simple woman's daybook

FOR TODAY 10/20/2008

Outside My Window...The sun is setting and it is leaving a golden glow across the field. Across the street, the trees are many colors of greens, reds, and oranges. The golden sun is reflecting off them and making them glow. Gorgeous....or in my house it would be beautimus. (My own creation of beautiful, glorious, wonderful etc all wrapped into one LOL)

I am thinking...of all the things that need to be done and wrapped up before the scrapbooking retreat on Thursday (sorry Lisa....we'll miss you!)

I am thankful for...Crisp autumn days of no humidity to enjoy the outdoors for a bit.

From the kitchen...Chicken with shake-n-bake topping, noodles and corn for dinner. Maybe I'll toss in some rolls too.

I am wearing...Hello? Jeans! Are you noticing a trend here? A red short sleeve top with a white lining at the bodice, and my brown clogs.

I am creating...more bucket covers. Some to be put up on ebay next week, some to give away to my ladies! (hmmmmmm anyone in suspense over this fact?)

I am going...on my scrapbooking retreat with 10 other ladies to the beautiful Pocono mountains in the height of fall.

I am reading...Karen Kingsbury's someday

I am hoping...To be able to get everything done here at the house before I leave. Also, to get lots done on retreat.

I am hearing...My darling husband coming in the door and chastising the dog for not greeting him at the door.

Around the house...Cleaning, organizing, and packing. That about sums it up.

One of my favorite things...My daughter's inquisitive nature. She asked us yesterday what happens to babies that die after just being born. Do they go to heaven? Out of the mouths of babes comes the hardest questions to answer. My husband's answer was very good!

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Well, I hate to seem like I repeat myself, but did I tell you I was going on retreat?! LOL My friend Christa is coming up from TX and this will be the first time we've met IRL after being friends for 8 years. How exciting is that?

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Yes, it's a picture of me, taking pictures. This should give you a sense of my husbands sense of humor. He was catching me unawares at Longwood gardens last week. I took 3 rolls of film in about 4 hours. hehehe

If you want to participate along with us, go here:

Friday, October 17, 2008

hfh: Fat ticker Friday-ugh

Here we are again. I'm noticing a trend. It's not a good trend, mind you. It's a downward spiraling, upward gasping for air kind of trend. One week I do excellent, the next well, not so much. I didn't exercise one iota this week. Totally laziness, as I had the time to do it. Ok, I shouldn't say that because we went to Longwood gardens and strolled for 4+ hours last Friday, and Sunday strolled for a few hours at the lake. No sweating my butt off, cardio pumping exercise. The scale showed it. Up almost a pound.

I am NOT making any goals next week except to drink my water and try to exercise. I know, it's a lame thing to do, and total avoidance. I am going away with my girlfriends next week, and know that we eat horribly and sit on our butts scrapbooking all day. I will make a concerted effort not to eat too much chocolate *grin*.

On to the question of the week:

What I'd like to know is, when you think about your body, which part do you want to "refine" during this process? And think about or find out what exercises you have to do to make that happen.

The 2 parts I'd like to refine would be my stomach and my chest *giggle*. I'd like to be able to wear a pair of pants that doesn't fall off because the only thing it fits is my waist. I'd also like to be able to wear a pair of pants that doesn't make my tummy a gross looking muffin top. As for exercises....cardio and sit ups are about it I guess. When it comes to my chest, well, let's just say it needs to be smaller. WAY smaller. This is a challenge exercise wise because I don't want to build muscle, just tone. The only thing I got for that would be pushups. Can you say ewwww?

So introduce us to your favorite part, and hey, if you want to add pictures to your essay then feel free to do that too!

Ok, sorry, no pictures, but one thing I like about my body is my calves and ankles. This is why it was sooooooo upsetting to me when my ankles started swelling because of my medication the other week. I've already had some of my friends tell me "well, at least you have girly legs". Yes, I'm pretty sure it was a compliment. :)

So, how did you do this week? Sound off!


Monday, October 13, 2008

My daybook

For Today 10/13/2008...

Outside my Window...Sunshine filtering through the acorn tree (Oak?) that is blowing in a crisp autumn wind.

I am thinking...Of the different perspectives that God gives each one of us through his Holy Spirit, our own life experiences, and education. He truly did make each one of us to fulfill our own little purposes here on earth.

I am thankful for...My family who is not afraid to speak the truth in love to get me to examine myself and my opinions. I'm also thankful for the extra time God has given me with my husband and daughter this past weekend. I love you guys!

From the kitchen...Hopefully some homemade vegetable soup in a little bit for dinner.

I am wearing...Jeans! (is there anything else?) and a grass green short sleeve top with a bit of lace at the top. For once, I don't have bedhead today! LOL

I am reading...Zechariah, and Sisterchicks on the loose.

I am hoping...To be able to pull off this missions tea on Saturday for church. I'm feeling good about everything at the moment, but talk to me Thursday LOL.

I am hearing...Fox news network about this voter fraud with Acorn. What a mess! One person signed 75 times, and didn't think there was anything wrong with that. They were just helping out the person because they get paid per signature. Yeah, ok!

Around the house...chores, lists of things to do, dog to bathe after being in the Lake yesterday, getting ready to go away for a ladies weekend next week.

One of my favorite things...listening to my daughter talk about things rattling around in her head.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...getting my flower beds cleaned out a bit, and readying for the tea this weekend. (Can you say one track mind?)

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Jessica playing queen bee at Longwood Gardens. Prim and proper isn't she?

Hey, want to play along? Go to Peggy's site at and link to your own daybook. Have fun!


Friday, October 10, 2008

HFH: Fat ticker friday

Ok! Not too bad! I'll take it! I started out the week sick as a dog. 102 degree fever, body ached all over. I had 2 or 3 days when I did nothing but drink (well, sip really) soda and hot tea, and maybe a piece of toast or so. Then I kicked it into high gear with my exercise and came in losing! Whoo hoo! Ok, so I don't know exactly how to report this because last week I didn't report in till Saturday and had gained a pound. I lost that one, and one more! Yippee!

The question of the week was about motivation. I am going to have to say that my biggest motivation has to that looming 200 pound mark that I REFUSE to go past, and the show the biggest loser. I keep telling myself that if these people that are OVER that 200 pound mark can do it, so can I! I have to stop making excuses, and evaluate the choices that I make minute by minute. Of course, God has been helping me with the choice thing, as I am noticing so many things about choices right now. So, today I choose to keep going strong! If I only lose a pound a week, I will be down 9-10 pounds by Christmas which puts me well below that 200. Fantastic I say!

So, how did you do?


Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Shema

Deut 6:4-8 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

Those of you that know me IRL know that I am of Jewish descent. That is such a rich heritage. I attended Hebrew school till fifth grade. I hold my heritage very dear to me, and I try to learn as much about it as possible. One opportunity to do that was at our church's VBS this past summer. We went back to the bible times and did Jerusalem marketplace. It was such a great program. We have done it the past 2 years. I got the opportunity to play the part of the Rabbi (yes, they are normally male LOL). This was really very exciting for me, as I got to share my excitement about my heritage with the children of our church. We even did a seder (the Jewish passover meal). One of the songs we learned there was the Shema, which is a Jewish prayer from Deut 6. We learned about the mezzuza, which is what the Jewish people use to have them on the doorposts and gates of their houses. We also learned about the Tefillin which are little boxes for the forehead and upper arm with scriptures inside. If your kids ever get a chance to go to a Jerulem marketplace VBS, go for it! It is so enriching for them. It makes the bible come alive.

When you think back about bible times, you imagine all the storytelling done by memory. They depended on the bible stories being passed from generation to generation by telling stories. One of my favorite bible stories is the story of Esther. It always has been. Purim was my favorite holiday because we got to dress up as one of the characters (I had an Esther mask), and make lots of noise to drown out the bad guy from the story. We even got to eat his hat in the form of hamentashen cookies filled with prune or other assorted fillings.

Tonight was a really special night here. While we were sitting around a fire out back in our chiminea, we were telling stories. Jessie told us about the turtle and the hare. Then she asked me about Esther. She knows that this is my favorite story, and she seems to have a fascination with it too. She asked me to share the story again from memory. I did just that, with Shawn helping to keep everything straight and fill in the gaps. It was a really neat time.

When you are raising your kids in the fear of the Lord, talking about God just comes naturally. They have questions, you have answers...most of the time. They ask the darndest things too! I know the scriptures from Deut 6, but I never REALLY understood them till tonight. Children naturally love to hear stories. This is the best way to impress the word to them! It also will challenge you in your faith, to get the stories straight!

Glory to God in the highest! Until next time....


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Halleluyah and a glory to God!

We are all mostly better to start! Whoooo hoooo! I don't know what hit us here, but it was nasty, nasty, nasty! Praise God for our good health :)

The Lord has been speaking to me about choices lately. I'm not real sure where he is going with it, but I'm along for the ride. Everything in life is a choice. We make choices pretty much constantly throughout our day. When we get up in the morning, we decide if we want to have quiet time, what we will have for breakfast, what we will wear, whether we will get a shower or not etc. That's all in the first hours after awakening. If we really stop to think about all the choices we make, it can be overwhelming. I always tell my daughter that anger is a choice. All of our emotions are a choice. We can choose to give in to them and let them rule over us, or we can hand them over to the Holy Spirit and let him handle them. Wow! That was a tangent *grin*

Needless to say, I have been evaluating some of the choices that I make in life. If anyone knows me at all, they know that I am habitually late. I have all the good intentions in the world, I just don't manage my time properly. One of my worst offenses has been the bible study that I lead. Yes, it's true...lead....late...really bad example. I have been on time the last three weeks! Weeeehoooo! Praise God for that!

Another choice I had to examine was the things that I put off to get healthy. Exercise and diet. Both really poor! I signed up over at spark people for my nutrition and tried to use their meal plans. They are a little too strict for me, so I am playing around using thier nutrient goals and have been doing pretty good. For the 2 days I have been on there. LOL (small victories here) I have also exercised 2 hours and 15 minutes the last 2 days.

Can you say back on wagon? YES! Hopefully the momentum keeps going! lol

The whole reason for my halleluyah post is to say that with God, all things are possible! Ask him for guidance today, and he will be sure to show himself faithful. He is the God of the big things and of the small. After all, he knows how many hairs are on my head, and he named every star. Give praise to him today!


Monday, October 6, 2008

The simple woman's daybook

FOR TODAY 10/06/2008

Outside My Window... Gloomy and very still. Reflects my life for the past few days as the whole house has been very ill, including me.

I am thinking...That I would love to feel normal and to be able to eat.

I am thankful for...Long days with my husband and child.

From the kitchen...Water boiling on the stove for another round of hot tea for everyone.

I am wearing...A nightshirt that says "I don't do mornings". So very true these last few days.

I am the eye doctor....maybe. So far, I feel ok, and it's so hard to get into the eye doctor's office.

I am reading...A sisterchicks novel by Robin Jones Gunn. I love her books!

I am hoping...That Jessica can go back to school tomorrow and everyone is done with this evil illness.

I am hearing...The dog playing with her squeaky chicken. Also, the sounds coming from Jessica's game boy.

Around the house...a mess! There are blankets and pillows everywhere, and no one has had the energy to do the dishes. Thank God it's just basically tea mugs and spoons.

One of my favorite things...Advil lol! Do you know how much your body aches at 102 degrees?

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week.... REST! When I feel better, I plan to get back on track with my weight loss. The last day and a half consisted of sprite, and hot tea. I think maybe I lost a pound or two LOL.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

This is the blanket that we've all been fighting over. One of my bestest buds, Monica, made it for us for Christmas. It is a hand-tied fleece. Thanks Monica! Love ya!


Saturday, October 4, 2008

HFH Fat ticker, well, Saturday

I could come up with all kinds of excuses this week. I'm not going to go there. I totally fell off the wagon and it was all my fault. The only thing I did well this week was drink my water. I am up a pound. I am hopping back on the wagon and doing so NOW!

My goals stay the same.

I will say I am on B.P. meds and my ankles look like elephant ankles. I am retaining water badly. I did go to the Dr to see what was up, and he switched my meds. Hopefully this will help. Cross your fingers! My ankles are already feeling better.

How are you doing on your weight loss journey? Sound off!


Monday, September 29, 2008


Housekeeping. Defined it is the ongoing routine, procedures, operations, and management of a commercial enterprise, government, organization, or the like. I like to consider my house "the like". There is some semblance of a routine here. It may be chaotic to some, but to us, it's normalcy. There are definitely procedures, and sometimes even operations (not of the medical kind thank God). The management is left to me and my husband collectively. Doesn't sound that difficult right? HA!

I am a stay at home mom. If you are not a stay at home mom, you might be wondering...just what do you do all day? My husband wonders this hourly I'm sure. My daughter is in school from 8 am to 4 pm. My husband is gone longer than that. Surely I can take care of the house and the dog and the laundry and dishes (that never seem to end) and whatever else needs to be taken care during that time right? Nope!

Ok, so I can admit this now....I've always been a slob. No, really. I am a fabulous cleaner, but not a good maintainer. Some of this I might blame on my mom, as she was working (sometimes 2 jobs) and the only time the house got picked up and cleaned was when people came over. Mostly I can blame myself for just being downright lazy! I would let stuff pile up in my room (no matter what it was) until I couldn't stand it anymore. Then I would deep clean it to sparkly, then the downhill wave begins.

So, then I got married. Woe is my husband. My poor, poor husband. Neatnick. Yep! Not so much the dust and dirt, but the clutter and stuff laying everywhere, and undone dishes, and laundry. He just doesn't understand my world! Granted, sometimes I don't either....but we won't go there. My dear, dear husband. He puts up with a lot. (Love ya babe!)

Then enters flylady. I did flylady for a while ( I will admit that it was too much for me. I'm a perfectionist to the core. It's all or nothing. There is no gray area. The binder, and the emails, and the routine....not for me. Works for many people! I will even go as far as to say that it did help me in several things. Making my bed and cleaning the sink. Great! Doesn't cut it any further than that. Especially the shoe thing. I understood the logic, but my feet just don't talk "sneaker". I can lounge with the best of them, sneakers and all. LOL

So, I need a solution, and I need it fast before my dear husband leaves me, and my daughter ends up with the same fate. (She got a lot of dh's tendencies, but has learned a lot from me...poor thing). In comes motivated moms ( Guess what? It is a list! (If you have been following me, I'm a list maker to the core too) They take every day of the year and break it down into chores. Sweet! I can check things off which is even better! I definitely notice a difference in my home when I use it, and when I don't. I even give myself permission to not do everything on the list (which is a change of heart for me). Bonus: It even helps me to read the bible front to back during the year. It's a win-win deal for me.

If you are a hopeless slob too (I really need to start a support group) I suggest you give these two a shot. You and your family are worth it! May God bless you in your journey towards change!


The simple woman's daybook

For Today 9/29/2008...

Outside my Window...The cabana...topless LOL . Golden sunshine reflecting off the orange and red leaves of a large tree standing alone in the field.

I am thinking...That I am so blessed to have a family that loves me, a church that accepts me, A God who never leaves me, a home to take care of, and a network of friends to share with.

I am thankful for...the strength of my husband who is going through a rough patch right now.

From the kitchen...cereal, yogurt, and cheese. LOL

I am wearing...Blue exercise pants with a white stripe, brown breakout staff shirt with Galatians 5:1 on it crazy morning hair and dark maroon polish on most of my toes.
I am creating...More buckets for friends and to sell on ebay.

I am going...To clean at my dad's house.

I am reading...Karen Kingsbury series

I am hoping...That the sunshine sticks around for a bit so that I can get in my exercise today and maybe tinker in my flower gardens.

I am hearing...My daughter tinkering around getting ready for school and the dog's "bling" clinking together as she runs around/plays with Jessie.

Around the house...Starting to decorate for Fall. Putting up the fall garland on the banister in the upstairs hallway, hanging up my scarecrow and fall welcome sign outside, putting out Thanksgiving deco, etc. Making my house a home :)

One of my favorite things...The cool, crisp, low humidity days of Autumn that is perfect for walks, runs, bike riding, picnics and the like.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...Getting Bailey's stitches out which translates to the "funnel" coming off her head...Yeah! Cleaning for Dad. Renewing my commitment to bible study. My first home & school meeting. Craft day with friends. Trying not to go Bonkers!

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Friday, September 26, 2008

HFH--Fat ticker Friday near disaster!

Yes, you read right......DISASTER! With a capital D! UGH! I almost gained weight this week! How can this possibly be? I have exercised more than any other week, drank more water, ate more veggies, and thought I had a fabulous week! All for....are you ready for this?.....a measly .8 lb loss. Sheesh! That was the first time I stepped on the scale. I have a digi scale, and it stores my weight. Well, I forgot to store it, so I thought I would get back on and store it. I weighed more the next time and could never get the scale to go back to that weight. So, cheating??? I don't think so (at least that is what I'm telling myself). I figure if I didn't have the brilliant storing idea, I never would have seen those other weights right? Note to self: Store it the first time! So what's a girl to do? Keep on plugging on, that's what! Discouraging, yes! Not a deal breaker though. Who's with me?
Goals for next week:

Continue 4 bottles water/day
up intake to 3 veggies/fruits/day
5 hours of exercise (which I haven't quite made yet)
Add in my ab workout
As soon as something goes in my mouth, it goes on the food journal (i.e. the one sour candy, the 2 mints--they add up!)
Enjoy the journey and don't let the scale discourage me :)
Does it look like a lot? Maybe. I've been doing well, so I thought a few additions this week would be ok.

Onto the question of the week...It is a picture journal, so I will make it mostly wordless.

1. Someone or something that inspires you.

His determination and stick to it attitude is amazing. The depth of her thoughts and how she grasps information, especially about the Lord, is just incredible.

2. Something that you love to do.

These are my girls! Our bi-annual scrapbooking retreat. Need I say more?

3. Something that makes you crazy:
Things that have no place and therefore, end up on my desk. Not to mention, this computer! Kind of a love it, hate it relationship I guess.
4. Something healthy in your life.

*Lifting up my glass* Here's to a valiant effort, and to pressing on! *clink* Cheers!

P.S. Excuse my formatting....I'm still learning this stuff :)

Friday, September 19, 2008

HFH: Fat ticker Friday!

Tick, tick, tick.....That's how many pounds I've lost in the last two weeks.....3!!!!!!!! I'm so excited about this! I've been fretting so much about my weight recently, and I've made the first steps to success! I will say that I really did slack on my exercise this week. I think I did 1 hour out of my 5. Eeek! Wake up call :) Will do better on that next week, and maybe you will see a new pretty shiny badge that says 5 pounds lost! How cool is that? As for my goals, well I don't think I accomplished any of them, so they remain.

Drink my water (At least 4, if not 5 bottles a day)
Eat at least 2 fruits/veggies per day (baby steps here)
Fill out my food journal
Exercise 5 hours
Plan meals and cook at home

Don't get me wrong, I tried. Just didn't make it. I will not give up! I will keep pressing on.

Now, for the question of the week: What is on your life's to-do list? When you post on Friday, list as many as you like and whatever you like.

Wow, this really makes me think! I never really made a "list" like that before. I am a list-maker. I LOVE lists! I have grocery lists, cleaning lists, to-do lists, etc, etc. I even have my Jessie loving lists! Sad, sad situation there! LOL I think making lists give you a sense of accomplishment. There can be days when I say "Man! What did I get done today? Feels like nothing!" Then I will look at my list and start checking things off and realize that I did quite a bit. Now of course there are days when I truly was chasing my tail all day and got nothing accomplished, but those are rare. So back to the list:

Go on a cruise with my husband
Mission trip here and maybe abroad
learn to play the piano
start my own photography studio (already have a name!)
See my daughter meet the love of her life and get married and have a family of her own
Do agility with my dog

There are probably other things, but that is what I can think of for now.

Hey! Happy Fat Ticker Friday! Cheers!


Friday, September 12, 2008

broken washing machines and other rantings

Ok now! I'm done with broken things! A few days ago, our latch on our back door broke. In enters the baseball bat to the track of the sliding door so that the door is forever closed and unable to be opened. (Hubby's grand idea-works well.) Off to Lowe's I go. Get a replacement handle assembly.....try to install on my own. Let me tell you, this woman is no Mrs. fixit! I took off the existing assembly handle on both sides, leaving the lock assembly still in the door. So far, so good! Two more screws for the lock assembly.....oooops......lock assembly falls into the door. Yes, you heard me INTO THE DOOR. Stop laughing! There is NO WAY to retrieve the lock assembly. Ok, so it was broken anyway....we are remodeling the kitchen and installing french doors sometime in the near future (next couple of years)'s not hampering the function of the door, so I leave it there. I opened the package of the new door handle, and took all the parts out. I figured out how it went onto the door and tried to start putting it on. The only holes that matched were the screw holes. I couldn't get the "innards" of the handle on the inside of the door. Thought about maybe getting the drill, thought about the aluminum I had to drill through and decided not to. I put the old handle back on, minus the lock, and put the baseball bat back. Unusable back door. Remember...we have a dog! UGH Told hubby, but he is working so late that it will be next year before it gets done. *sigh*

Ok, so onto the next broken thing. Picture this...piles of mile high mountains of laundry. Haven't done any in a few days. Go to do the laundry, come down to a puddle of water inside my washer. Things that make you say hmmmmmm. Put it on drain and spin and OH MAN!!! The washer makes a horrible little grinding noise. Grrrrrrrrrrrr. It always happens when I have mount washmore. So, I called the repair guy who came today. He reaches into my washer, pushes on the basin, says "I can tell you what the problem is probably going to be and it's not good." Can anyone say "waaaaaaaah" with me? Tells me the basin is not supposed to move back and forth, and if he's right it will be pretty labor intensive. So he says he'll call me with an estimate because he has to order the parts and asks if I have the owners manual. Well, I like to consider myself a pretty organized gal, and I located it in a few minutes. The one good light at the end of the tunnel....he found the parts were still under warranty. Yippee! Then it can't be that bad right? WRONG. 3 year old washer, front loader, very expensive. $300 to repair. You've got to be kidding me! Not only that, but I will be without my washer for more than a week till the parts come in. *sigh* Anyone got any quarters? Laundry mat here I come. The silver lining is that all my wash will be done in a few hours. LOL

We have only been living in this house for one year. The air conditioning has had to be fixed, the hot water heater had to be replaced (these were covered under the new home warranty), the dishwasher had to be replaced, and now the back door handle, and the washer. What in the world? The blessings of home ownership I guess *grin*.

HFH: Fat ticker Friday

Well, I did it! I made it through the first week of Hot for the Holidays! It wasn't so bad...I don't know what I was waiting for! I've ridden my bike and walked almost every day this week. Jessie is even benefiting from this because I have to drag her with me LOL. My efforts were rewarded with a 1 1/2 pound weight loss! How exciting is that? Ok goals for next week:

Drink my water (At least 4, if not 5 bottles a day)
Eat at least 2 fruits/veggies per day (baby steps here)
Fill out my food journal
Exercise 5 hours
Plan meals and cook at home

I did ok on my goals for this week. I did fill out my food journal pretty completely, as well as watched out for eating after dinner. I exercised every day but Monday, and did it twice one day. As for cooking at home more, well, that didn't go so well. Overall, it was a great week.

The question posed at the Hot for the Holidays blog is this:

What do you want your legacy to be? Or rather, what is it about yourself that you want to be known for? And do you think you've accomplished that so far in your life? Are you the person you want to be? If not, how will you get there?

Legacy. Defined it is anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor. Legacy reminds me of inheritance. Just this week, Jessie memorized scripture for her bible lessons at school. You guessed it, it fits right into this theme. "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving" Col 3:23-24. All this to say that I want to leave a simple legacy. I want to love like Christ loves. I want to live like Christ lived here on this earth. I want to be full of compassion for those hurting around me. Acts 20-24 pretty much sums it up "However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the gospel of God's grace." Phil 3:12 also says "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me." I was created for a purpose. I have a destiny. Jesus took hold me me for a reason! If you look at that last verse, you will see that it is an ongoing process. We need to keep striving for the goal. I want people to be able to say that I ran a good race, pointing to the Lord the whole way.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Beth Moore and my musings

So we started the Beth Moore series in bible study this morning. I think today was the best prepared I have felt in a long time, but we still went way over our time. Time is always a struggle for me. I never have enough of it, or I just dawdle it away. Why is that? Anyway, we are studying "living beyond yourself". This is a study of living in the spirit, and the fruits of the spirit. This morning she challenged us to live. Really live. That resounded in my spirit today. Of course, the P31 devotion from yesterday, titled "born to run" tied right in with that. It talks about excuses getting in the way of God's plan for our life, or doing what God is calling us to do. I realized that I am the Queen of excuses. No, this isn't the first time I have realized that, as my husband tells me that every once in a while. (Not nice by the way! LOL) There is a song (remember, my life is a song :) )that talks about this. It says "I am the king of excuses, I have one for every selfish thing I do." Let's think about that for a second. Are we being selfish when making excuses? Is it because we don't want to, it's too hard, there isn't enough time? Don't get me wrong, I don't think God wants us to live our lives always giving and never receiving! I do believe that the receiving should come from God. We are to store our treasures in heaven. If we receive all our praise and acknowledgement here on this earth there will not be anything left in glory. So what excuses are getting in the way of your destiny here on this earth? Anyone getting me?

Hey, speaking of excuses, I actually got in my walk yesterday :) It was with my hubby, and he doesn't quite power walk the way I do but at least I was moving. I also got up this morning at 5:30 am (boy was that a struggle) to take a walk before hubby got on his way to work. Get was still dark! Talk about creepy. Even Bailey was watching her tail and a little skittish. The important thing is I did it :) The plus side is that I got to watch the sun come up. That is one hour down. Now if I can only talk my darling daughter into biking with me this afternoon, it will have been a fantastic day! The only thing that would make it better is someone coming to do my dishes which are currently overflowing out of my sink..YUK!

Be blessed!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

If at first you fail, try, try again?

Ok, so yesterday was a total blowout for me. I spent so much time on my blog, that I ran out of time to get in my walk (Bailey was not impressed). I had to go to the eye doctor to get some skin tags removed under my eyelashes. Something I definitely do not recommend for your comfort. LOL I was worried most about the Novocaine. Rightfully so! They stick a needle in that thin eyelid.......hurties!!!! Then they burned the skin tags off. Have you ever smelled your own flesh being burned off? It was not nice!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok, sorry for the medical review there. I'm still a little puffy under my eye, but it's not really hurting me at all this morning.

Yesterdays food journal doesn't look very nice either. I don't think grilled cheese, cookies, and bottlecaps are on my "can have" list. On the upside, I ate yogurt. LOL Today is a new day! Carpe diem right? So, I'm going to seize the moment. Gods mercies are new EVERY morning. In the words of winnie the pooh....Tut, tut, it looks like rain. I'm not going to let that stop me. I read the devotional this morning from proverbs 31 women. It talked about not letting excuses get in the way of what God wants to do in us and through us. If you want to read it, you can go to Click on todays devotion, and it is called "Born to Run". I will tell you what.....God is so awesome. It always seems that whatever I am going through, or trying to accomplish, this devotional is right on the mark. I teach Bible study on Wednesday mornings at my church, and I usually have at least one devotional from P31 that totally fits in with what I am teaching. Who says our God is not alive and active in this world today? I serve a living God!!!

One more thing to share. My husband just called me a few minutes ago and said, Hey, I just won tickets to a Sanctus Real concert with 10th avenue North. I was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited!!! Next Sunday I will be going to see them *jumping up and down with excitement*. I always love going to concerts because it gives you such a better perspective about the groups songs when they share in between. I think the first concert I went to was a Jennifer Knapp concert. She was so awesome! When she shared, you could really sense her heart for God. It just gives you a new spin on the meaning of her songs. I'm telling you, if you get a chance to go to a concert, you will not be disappointed.

Be blessed, and be a blessing!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Hot for the holidays

Ok, here we go....I have been soooooooo very bad about my eating habits. Toooo bad. I'm about to cross a barrier with my weight that I am kicking and screaming about. I've been half-heartedly making attempts, but last night's pizza, soda, and slurpees are haunting me. UGH.

In comes Hot for the holidays! Starting today, I am going to making a stronger attempt to avoid those butt enlarging things that I shouldn't be having. LOL I have been doing pretty good on the exercise homefront, as my dog has way too much energy. If I don't walk her, she pretty much bounces off the walls. I also got a bike a week or so ago. I LOVE to ride. Who would've thought? I used to avoid the stationary bike at the gym like the plague.

So, here are my thoughts.....

I will try my hardest not to eat after dinner.
I WILL fill out my food journal honestly.
I will try to exercise every day, but will be happy with five hours a week.
I will cook more at home.

Oh my goodness! These are the same things I have failed at doing in the past. *sigh* Lord help me!

So who's with me?

Taking the plunge

Ok, I did it......finally. I'm taking the plunge. I vowed not to do this, but here I am. I'm blogging *sigh*

I guess the first step is to go out on the limb before the dive, and introduce me and my clan. My name is Stephanie, I am a wife to Shawn of 13 years. I am a mom to a beautiful dancer, Jessica, 8. Mom to my puppy baby Bailey, who is part Border Collie and part Lab. Smart as a whip and trouble to the max. If only I had a little of her energy, I'd be doing good. We live in the suburbs between Allentown and Philadelphia Pennsylvania.

So, the third week of school started this morning. I did not want to get out of bed. We have been letting the puppy sleep with us in bed. I don't think that is going to last much longer. If she is not rutching around, she is licking or biting herself. No she doesn't have fleas, just sensitive skin. I did not sleep well. Daughter gets up, and plays with the dog instead of getting ready for school. I swear I should lock up the dog in the morning till she is ready. Five minutes to the bus, she is still eating. She has written me a love note on a napkin with......a permanent marker. Yep, you guessed it.....bled through onto my wood table. UGH. Thank you Lord for soft scrub. Yes, it came up. How can you be mad at a love note bled through onto the table? Clearly a good deed gone awry. Gotta love that girl. Jessie goes out to the bus stop in front of the house a few minutes before I did. While trying to put the halter collar on the dog, she resists.....screen door wasn't latched right.....wiggled out of my grasp....ran across the street to greet all the kids. Need I say more? BAD DOG! LOL

Let me share with you why I labeled my blog from glory to glory. I grew up in a Jewish household, and was saved at the age of 19. Before being saved, things happened that kids should not have to go through. By God's saving grace, he has set me free from the bondages that enslaved me. That was the first glory. Ever since, it has been one glory to God after another. My pastor put it this trials are as pearls. Each trial has a beauty all it's own, and when strung together, they make a beautiful necklace for all to see. Each glory has it's own attributes that make it different and unique. All the glories strung together will make me stronger, and better able to help others.

I hope to spur you on also, in your journey of life. I have many things to share along the way. To God be the glory, forever and ever, amen.