Monday, October 13, 2008

My daybook

For Today 10/13/2008...

Outside my Window...Sunshine filtering through the acorn tree (Oak?) that is blowing in a crisp autumn wind.

I am thinking...Of the different perspectives that God gives each one of us through his Holy Spirit, our own life experiences, and education. He truly did make each one of us to fulfill our own little purposes here on earth.

I am thankful for...My family who is not afraid to speak the truth in love to get me to examine myself and my opinions. I'm also thankful for the extra time God has given me with my husband and daughter this past weekend. I love you guys!

From the kitchen...Hopefully some homemade vegetable soup in a little bit for dinner.

I am wearing...Jeans! (is there anything else?) and a grass green short sleeve top with a bit of lace at the top. For once, I don't have bedhead today! LOL

I am reading...Zechariah, and Sisterchicks on the loose.

I am hoping...To be able to pull off this missions tea on Saturday for church. I'm feeling good about everything at the moment, but talk to me Thursday LOL.

I am hearing...Fox news network about this voter fraud with Acorn. What a mess! One person signed 75 times, and didn't think there was anything wrong with that. They were just helping out the person because they get paid per signature. Yeah, ok!

Around the house...chores, lists of things to do, dog to bathe after being in the Lake yesterday, getting ready to go away for a ladies weekend next week.

One of my favorite things...listening to my daughter talk about things rattling around in her head.

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...getting my flower beds cleaned out a bit, and readying for the tea this weekend. (Can you say one track mind?)

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...

Jessica playing queen bee at Longwood Gardens. Prim and proper isn't she?

Hey, want to play along? Go to Peggy's site at and link to your own daybook. Have fun!



Anonymous said...

Enjoy your missions tea this week.

Thanks for sharing your daybook!

John and Lisa said...

I would love to be going for a ladies weekend away! Enjoy the time, and come back to your family refreshed and energized!

A happy heart at home said...

I made homemade chicken soup for dinner tonight. It was good. We're putting on a dinner at church on Friday night. I thank God for so many willing helpers! I hope your tea goes very well.
