Monday, October 6, 2008

The simple woman's daybook

FOR TODAY 10/06/2008

Outside My Window... Gloomy and very still. Reflects my life for the past few days as the whole house has been very ill, including me.

I am thinking...That I would love to feel normal and to be able to eat.

I am thankful for...Long days with my husband and child.

From the kitchen...Water boiling on the stove for another round of hot tea for everyone.

I am wearing...A nightshirt that says "I don't do mornings". So very true these last few days.

I am the eye doctor....maybe. So far, I feel ok, and it's so hard to get into the eye doctor's office.

I am reading...A sisterchicks novel by Robin Jones Gunn. I love her books!

I am hoping...That Jessica can go back to school tomorrow and everyone is done with this evil illness.

I am hearing...The dog playing with her squeaky chicken. Also, the sounds coming from Jessica's game boy.

Around the house...a mess! There are blankets and pillows everywhere, and no one has had the energy to do the dishes. Thank God it's just basically tea mugs and spoons.

One of my favorite things...Advil lol! Do you know how much your body aches at 102 degrees?

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week.... REST! When I feel better, I plan to get back on track with my weight loss. The last day and a half consisted of sprite, and hot tea. I think maybe I lost a pound or two LOL.

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

This is the blanket that we've all been fighting over. One of my bestest buds, Monica, made it for us for Christmas. It is a hand-tied fleece. Thanks Monica! Love ya!



Jen said...

Pray you all will be better soon. There are many people ill these days. Thankfully it has passed us for now! Have a good week.

Pamela said...

I hope you all feel better soon. I can see why you're fighting over the blanket - it looks so cozy.

Sandra said...

Hope everyone feels better soon, we're fighting our own colds here at home. It's awful isn't it?

Great daybook :)

A happy heart at home said...

I hope you're all feeling better by today! That blanket must be very soft.


Michelle said...

Hope everyone is healthy real soon. Get lots of rest!